Friday, March 30, 2012

Logistics: The Alumni Journey

Sangeetha Elango is the General Secretary of the Alumni Committee and also part of its dance sub-committee. She has performed in nearly every performance of the SIFAS Alumni since it's formation; the first in house Arts Festival performance in 2009, Saptha Sthuthi in 2010, Academy Day 2010, Arts Festival and Navarathiri 2011 and now in Krishna BhAratham.

Sangeetha has also witnessed our struggles in getting musicians and dancers organised for each performance, and has herself been torn between focusing on her performance and the logistics aspects of a show that she is performing in. The Alumni has come along way in terms of man power and organising itself. I had a chance to ask her a few questions to ascertain if there indeed has been an improvement to our usual logistics dilemma.

"You worked on the last production, Saptha Sthuthi. How is this different?

Firstly, Saptha Sthuthi was of a margam concept, this is a dance drama. In a way, it’s a very universal theme, the MahabhAratha. Something everyone can relate to. A story everyone has heard in one way or another. The message is therefore very accessible.

I hope the audience will enjoy it as much as we have in being involved in this production.

This time you are also part of the organising committee. How would you say that this experience has been for you?

From the last experience, where everyone was running around doing everything, we have learnt to become more organised and delegate. We have received a lot of assistance from persons like tharmarai akka, gomathi akka and the festival committee. This way the dancers are able to concentrate on the production with the logistics being outsourced."

We are always looking for people to become a part of our little venture. 

If you feel like your performing years are behind you but enjoy being part of the buzz, do contact us. If you are an alumnus of SIFAS and have either graduated with SIFAS, completed up to 5th year or spent at least 5 years with SIFAS as a student, you become eligible for Alumni membership. Come join us and be part of the excitement which is most guaranteed to follow.

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